Robotic Surgery

Experienced Robotic Surgeons in Tampa, FL

Our Surgeons have over 10 years of experience in robotic surgery. This surgical option is available for general surgery procedures such as gallbladder surgery, hernia surgery, as well as more advanced procedures in the subspecialties of colon and rectal surgery for colon and rectal cancer, foregut surgery, fundoplication for reflux, and bariatric surgery.

How Accurate Is Robotic Surgery?

The robotic system allows the surgeon to make very precise movements, which can help to reduce the risk of complications. In fact, studies have shown that robotic surgery is just as accurate as traditional open surgery, and may even be more accurate in some cases.

Can Robotic Surgery Go Wrong?

Like any surgery, robotic surgery is not without its risks, and there is always the potential for complications. Some of the potential risks of robotic surgery include infection, bleeding, injury to surrounding organs, and death. However, these are very unlikely to occur – especially when you have an experienced surgeon operating on you.

Is the Surgeon Involved in Robotic Surgery?

Your surgeon will be very involved in your robotic surgery – in fact, it can’t happen without them! They sit at a console in the operating room and control the robotic arms using hand and foot controls. During this time, they can see a magnified, 3D view of the surgical site on a monitor, and can make very precise movements using the robotic arms.

Risks & Benefits of Robotic Procedures:

The risks and benefits of robotic surgery are similar to those of traditional open surgery (see above), and every procedure will have different risks associated with it. However, the procedure’s robotic surgery alternative may offer some additional benefits, such as:

  1. Shorter hospital stays

  2. Faster recovery times

  3. Lower final bill

  4. Less pain

  5. Less blood loss

  6. Smaller incisions

  7. Fewer complications