Dealing With Holiday Heartburn

November and December are a time of joy, festivities, and the most delicious food. However, for many Americans, it also brings an unwelcome guest - heartburn. Today, we’re here to help you enjoy the holiday season by keeping heartburn at bay. We’ll cover a few common questions, like how do I stop heartburn on holiday, what is the fastest way to neutralize heartburn, and why do I get bad heartburn on holiday? Let’s get started.

Why Do I Get Bad Heartburn on Holiday?

Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. Overeating, consuming trigger foods, and indulging in large meals can strain your digestive system, leading to heartburn. Moreover, holiday stress, excess alcohol, and irregular eating schedules can disrupt the balance of stomach acid and weaken the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing stomach contents to flow back into the esophagus. 

Being aware of these triggers can help you adopt preventive measures and enjoy the holidays – heartburn-free.

Learn More: Acid Reflux-Friendly Drink Recipes

How Do I Stop Heartburn on Holiday?

Eating in Moderation:

One key to avoiding holiday heartburn is practicing moderation. While it's tempting to overindulge in savory dishes and sweet treats, going overboard can be a surefire way to trigger heartburn.

Choose smaller portions of (or completely avoid) trigger foods, such as spicy or fatty dishes, and balance them with healthier options like vegetables and lean proteins. Remember, the goal is to enjoy the festivities without compromising your well-being.

Identifying & Avoiding Potential Triggers:

During family gatherings and holiday parties, the abundance of tempting foods may make it difficult to resist indulging. However, knowing your triggers can help you make wiser food choices.

Recognize the foods and drinks that tend to trigger heartburn for you personally. Common culprits include acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, and carbonated drinks.

What Is the Fastest Way to Neutralize Heartburn?

Despite our best efforts, heartburn can strike unexpectedly. If you find yourself asking, "what is the fastest way to neutralize heartburn," there are several quick remedies to consider. 

One of the simplest ways is to chew on sugar-free gum, which encourages saliva production and helps to keep you swallowing. Additionally, antacids or consuming a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water can provide rapid relief by counteracting acidity. 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that these remedies are temporary fixes and won’t address the underlying causes of heartburn. If heartburn becomes a persistent issue for you, seeking medical advice is essential to ensure proper management.

Learn More: 6 Signs It May Be Time for Acid Reflux Surgery

Kick Your Reflux to the Curb for Good: Contact Suncoast Surgical Associates Today

The holiday season should be a time of celebration, not discomfort.Remember to enjoy the company of loved ones, savor the delicious flavors in moderation, and take proactive steps to safeguard your digestive health. And, if that doesn’t work for you, get in touch with our team of surgeons – there are options that will physically repair your LES so you can get lasting relief.


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