November 2023: Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about lung cancer, its different types, causes, and available treatment options. Today, we’ll cover lung cancer symptoms and answer several questions, such as is lung cancer usually curable and what causes lung cancer. Let’s get started.

Understanding Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a disease characterized by a malignant tumor that originated in the tissues of the lungs. Two primary types of lung cancer exist: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC accounts for approximately 80-85% of all lung cancer cases, while SCLC makes up the remaining 10-15% (American Cancer Society).

What Causes Lung Cancer?

According to the American Lung Association, approximately 80-90% of lung cancer cases are due to cigarette smoking (American Lung Association). However, non-smokers can also develop lung cancer due to exposure to secondhand smoke, radon gas, asbestos, air pollution, and genetic factors.

Lung Cancer Symptoms

Symptoms of lung cancer can vary depending on the type and stage of the disease. As the cancer progresses, the following signs and symptoms may manifest:

  • Persistent cough

  • Shortness of breath

  • Chest pain

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Fatigue

  • Hoarseness

  • Recurring respiratory infections

  • Wheezing

  • Symptoms associated with metastasis

Is Lung Cancer Usually Curable?

The curability of lung cancer depends on several factors, including the type and stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosis, as well as the individual's overall health. Lung cancer is generally easier to treat and potentially curable when detected at an early stage. However, in more advanced stages, the chances of complete cure diminish.

What Does Treatment Look Like?

Treatment options for lung cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The choice of treatment depends on the type and stage of cancer, as well as the individual's overall health.

How Can I Spread Awareness During Lung Cancer Awareness Month?

#1: Share on Social Media

Create or share posts with facts, statistics, and inspirational messages using hashtags such as #LungCancerAwarenessMonth, #KnowLungCancer, and #LCAM. Encourage your friends, followers, and community to share and engage with the content.

#2: Wear Pearl White Ribbons & Clothing

The color for lung cancer awareness is pearl or white. You could wear this color, pin ribbons on your attire with this color, or even paint your nails this color to spread awareness for lung cancer.

#3: Donate to Lung Cancer Research

Have a few extra dollars to spare? Donate to finding a cure for lung cancer – or simply share the donation link with your friends and family. Every dollar helps researchers in their efforts to find a better cure. Find multiple ways to donate here: Donate to Lung Cancer Research

#4: Learn More & Share

You can also learn more about lung cancer here in an effort to spread awareness. And, if someone you know is currently struggling with lung cancer and looking for a capable team of surgeons, send them to this page: How Do I Pick a Specialist? 

From all of us here at Suncoast Surgical Associates,

Thank you for spreading awareness for Lung Cancer Awareness Month!


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